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Seeds Grow In Unseen Places

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

Anything thats to be filled must first create the space from within. Any seed that’s to grow must first dwell and be planted underground.

Life’s visibility often functions from invisible structures, systems and power. This can be seen with the human body; organs, blood and bones systematically operating every breath and move we make. Our hearts, minds and even technology all operate from inner workings and power. There is an unseen operating realm.

Knowing this why do we fight the process of growth? Why do we limit time to an ending when its exactly what we really need to ensure great beginnings? Why do we question what we cannot see with the naked eye? Why do we attempt to live life with no voltage?

Many of us have been casting our seed on the cement and complaining that it didn’t fall on mountain tops but seed could never grow there. It takes the dark, moist, hidden places of the earth. It takes rain. And even after all of the isolation and darkness IT STILL TAKES TIME.

Time is not the enemy. Skipping the process only STOPS YOU. What you don’t gain through the process can harm your destination because what you gain along the way builds the resources IN YOU needed to build/maintain around you. What you’re desiring is great but it’s not greater than you.

We have placed more value in the world around us than the people it was created for, you and I. We use “likes” to validate why we should like ourselves. We don’t even care to actually be great anymore as long as everyone says we are great. How do I know? because many at the first taste of success STOP. They stop working hard, practicing, studying, learning, etc. They stop to gain praise when they should continue pushing to propel purpose. Success has become more of a numbers game than a lived reality. Instant gratification feels good but it’s not lasting and this approach will keep you exhausted and lacking space needed to continue. Inner growth is gain. You don’t need the appearance of success or validation to feel good when the goal should always be to BE good.

This is the same approach that holds us accountable as people even when we gain all the world can give. You will reach a place where you have all that you’ve dreamed for but will you have become the person those things dreamed of? Does it count as making it if you have money in the bank yet your lifestyle is in debt?

Embracing the process is to embrace the development of the best you and that will always lead to life giving success.

If we limit success to whats seen with the naked eye we will never discover the heart of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. What you see in faith you’ll see in reality if you water the seeds of yesterday with the hope of tomorrow. What you’ve gone through up to this point was never meant to be your grave but your soil; what’s needed to withstand the success of the surface is only gained underground. Thus, a slight shift in perspective allows you to withstand the pressure and one day, after you’ve gained more strength, break the ground of your desires and reach great heights. REAL success. If you only look at what you need you’ll never see what you already have to create it. Don’t desire the picture of success more than the view of it. Aren’t you tired of filters and likes just to appear great? Make it personal and you won’t scroll through your dreams and deepest desires you’ll live them.


1. Create space. Get rid of obsolete things.

2. Discover Your seed. One seed can harvest a forest.

3. Bury it. Humility and faith reap great platforms.

4. Water it. Everything you go through becomes the rain.

5. Light its path. Be surrounded with positive things and people

6. Nurture it. Manage well what you have.

7. Do it all over again. No limit to you no limit to greatness.


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